Sunday, April 5, 2015

End of the term...

The end of the quarter is nigh which means you have precious little time to get your papers turned in.  Remember that if an assignment is late, you must fill out an Assignment Recovery form.  If you turned in an assignment and don't like your score, you may correct and re-submit it.  Be sure to write, "Regrade" on it!

There will be a test on Thursday.  This will be 20 percent of your grade!  I have prepared a study guide for you.  Do whatever you can to complete the study guide, including:

  • Reviewing papers from class
  • Reviewing your notes
  • Asking a friend
  • Asking the teacher
  • Using the internet to search for the answer or additional information that might help you
I will be available during both lunches and after school on Monday (3:06-3:36) and Tuesday (3:06 - ???).

In the shared folders for each class, you will find a growing library of materials, including assignments that you may have missed.  If you don't find what you're looking for, please e-mail me and I will add it if I can.
Can I make gears on the CNC machine?  What else can I make on the CNC machine?  What tools can we find in the shop that have been buried since 1989 (I've found a few!)  What plans can I find online that we could make before June.  Here's one that I've been considering...

Or maybe...

Or just look at this guy's web site:

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