Tuesday, May 19, 2015

CNC Cribbage Board

Somebody mentioned making a cribbage board and the idea has been on my mind for awhile.  The biggest challenge, I thought, would be arranging 360 holes along a vector.  As it turns out, Aspire makes this quite easy.  Here's a short tutorial I found on how to do this.

Here's my first attempt.  It was pushing midnight and I'm short five holes.  I discovered that tight curves don't make for friendly cribbage paths.  My solution was to delete the holes in weird places, but then I ended up short.  This is one of those projects that's going to take you some fiddling to get right, but has the potential for a very cool project!

I'm getting the hang of this now.  One thing that I've learned is that oval or rectangular tracks are the best to keep the holes from bunching up in the tight corners.  My latest iteration is below.  Total machine time is 25 minutes, but there's the whole process of how to paint it without messing up the alignment.

Let's explore developing and selling these!

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