Thursday, February 5, 2015

Community Service Opportunities

If you are in Woods 1 or Woods 1, 10% of your grade is community service. In two days, I have already collected these ideas for you. 

Design and build "Little Free Libraries" to be put up around the area.

Demolish the shed in the ECE play area. 

Finish playground construction in the ECE play area. 

Design and construct a clock. See Mr. Schneider for more details on this one. 

Teach Mr. Schneider how to use the CNC design software. 

Host an elementary class field trip to the wood shop, including preparing an appropriate project. 

Stay after one day and help sort out old piles of stuff. Our last effort yielded an amazing find!

Orphan project alert!

Notice:  If you have an incomplete project in the shop, you must claim it by Monday or it will be turned over to the trolls to do whatever with. 

Joinery Notes

Here are the wood joints that you need to know for Monday's quiz:

To figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each, consider the following:

  • End grain will absorb glue.  Any joint to end grain will be weak.
  • The strongest joints are face to face or edge to edge.
  • The more surface area making contact between two pieces, the stronger the joint.

Butt Joint:

Rabbet Joint (Sometimes called a lap joint):

Here are some variations of the rabbet joint:

Finger Joints (3 fingers, 8 fingers, 7 fingers)


Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Getting started

You will receive a syllabus on Monday. 

WOODS 1 and 2:
Joinery notes. Quiz on Monday. 
Project planning. Finish before you start working. 
Clean and organize shop. Details in shop. 

Read workbook packet #1. 
Pages 1-6 are due on Friday. Use study time on Friday to finish reading and turn in. (I already received one complete packet!)
First to finish will begin working with wood on Monday. Yep!  Sooner than planned!  I just have to find all the tools. We even get to use the BENCH VISES!  (Extra credit if you make me a picture of minions playing with a bench vice!)

I showed you my "baby". Here's my current project, a stand up paddleboard. This uses most of the same methods and skills as the kayak. Hopefully, in a week or two, I will be able to showcase student projects. (But I will still update you on my projects.)

The skeleton:

The fiberglassed inlay:

Half of the planking:

(OCD alert:  Lines in this picture are straighter than they appear!)  This is after cutting and planing to a laser line. 

And the current state of the paddleboard:

Sadly, I spend so much time in the shop at school that I don't feel so motivated to work at home any more!


IThis is the blog for the Reynolds High School wood shop program. 

My name is Erich Schneider and I will be the new teacher. I have been building houses since I was three. (I wasn't so good at first. My first claim to fame was nailing my dad's linoleum floor.)  For fun, I build various things in my own workshop, including a wood strip kayak and paddleboard. Next up is a 16' sailboat. To support my addiction to wood, I have been teaching in the Reynolds School District for the last fifteen years. 

I'm excited to bring some new changes to the wood shop program. This program is all about YOU and giving you the skills to make money doing something awesome, or simply learning a craft as a happy diversion. I've done both!

I've set up a twitter feed @RHSwoodshop where I will post announcements and open shop times. This blog will showcase our work and will also include class notes and longer announcements that won't fit on twitter. 

Next up will be a web site for class information, syllabi, grading criteria, etc.