Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Getting started

You will receive a syllabus on Monday. 

WOODS 1 and 2:
Joinery notes. Quiz on Monday. 
Project planning. Finish before you start working. 
Clean and organize shop. Details in shop. 

Read workbook packet #1. 
Pages 1-6 are due on Friday. Use study time on Friday to finish reading and turn in. (I already received one complete packet!)
First to finish will begin working with wood on Monday. Yep!  Sooner than planned!  I just have to find all the tools. We even get to use the BENCH VISES!  (Extra credit if you make me a picture of minions playing with a bench vice!)

I showed you my "baby". Here's my current project, a stand up paddleboard. This uses most of the same methods and skills as the kayak. Hopefully, in a week or two, I will be able to showcase student projects. (But I will still update you on my projects.)

The skeleton:

The fiberglassed inlay:

Half of the planking:

(OCD alert:  Lines in this picture are straighter than they appear!)  This is after cutting and planing to a laser line. 

And the current state of the paddleboard:

Sadly, I spend so much time in the shop at school that I don't feel so motivated to work at home any more!

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